Full Moon Ceremony

An Exploration of Service & Purpose


 On Thursday, March 13th, join me for a ceremony to honor the Virgo full moon eclipse!

Lunar eclipses bring fated change, often in the form of endings. With the nodes of the moon activated, eclipses call us to re-align with greater purpose.

Virgo brings our awareness to daily routines, health, and organization. This archetype also highlights our relationship to service, and as the sun transits through Pisces, sacrifice is a potent theme.

Purpose is what we would die for. Not necessarily in the literal sense (though it can be literal), but psychologically and spiritually. True purpose transcends ego. Thus, the sacrifice we make is ego death as we advocate for something bigger than ourselves, whether it's love, connection, freedom, authenticity, etc. 

However, service and sacrifice can come from empowered or disempowered places. When our intentions are rooted in shadow, our service is not purposeful, leading to lack of fulfillment and meaning in our lives. 

We may be of service, but if ego is at the wheel it becomes yet another avenue through which we hide, cower, and stay small. Through service, we may try to attain a certain image, earn love, overwork, take on too many projects, avoid inner conflicts & emotions, and more...

On March 13th, join me for a ceremony where we'll explore purpose and service from places of wholeness and shadow.

We'll dive into the astrology for the Virgo full moon eclipse and connect Jung's 'service' archetypes in both their light and shadow aspects. Then, we'll do a ritual to re-align with our purpose as we offer our services to others. The ceremony will be hosted on zoom and there is an entry fee of 25$. We’ll begin at 8pm EST (don’t forget to adjust to your time zone). Also, if you can’t attend the night of, I will be recording the ceremony and sending it out.

See you there!